Curaçao – Notorious Island of Meat [NIoM]

This post is part of a series called Curaçao
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Fleisch – wo auch immer man hinschaut. Genau unser Ding…mal ehrlich, hier gibt es sogar Leguan auf die Teller – zu viele Knöchelchen beim Kauen, also lieber zum landestypischen Stew greifen. This is what we finally had on the local food market. It was as delicious as the pumpkin ‘panekoeke’ with raisins. Everything was homemade by the ladies and brought in plastic and cooling boxes. The meat is served with one small piece of vegetable you can hardly find on your plastic plate. (Plastic and trash is a big problem on the island). We bought the food at Graciella’s food stand. At least we think that is her name… (unfortunately our project of taking pictures of people from all over the world made us so nervous that we totally missed to ask for her name – but her smile is now captured in the picture).

Graciella the cook (1/2)
Graciella prepares the best beef stew with beetroot, black lentils and pickled lemon-onions

The food market is a great adventure! Everything we experience on that island you find on the bottom of this post in a little handmade map of Curaçao 🙂 This is what I usually draw on postcards and send it to you guys, since I couldn’t find any postcards yet, please feel embraced by this post.

Vermutlich spricht die kleine Karte für sich und Erklärungen an dieser Stelle über grandiose Wanderungen auf dem Christoffel-Berg, weitere 10.000 Schnorchelabenteuer oder Flamingos wären ernüchternd. Dennoch eine Anekdote kurz gefasst: Das 3. Bier ist probiert. Läuft!

Curaçao map
Curaçao – Draw and travel